Movement is so important for toddlers as they learn about their bodies. Music is a great motivator for children, and what better way to get some movement into their day than through dance! Music is such a valuable tool in the classroom because it can help young children coordinate their movements. This has something to do with the concept of entrainment, or the synchronization of movements to an external stimuli. In this case, that stimuli is music. This is what enables us to dance to the beat of the music or clap along with a familiar tune.
Music can also change our mood and state of mind, making it a great tool to help a group of toddlers stay engaged in an activity. Match your class’s energy with the music activity you pick. For example, for a class that is lower energy or drowsy, pick a calm song with a relaxing tune. But with a class that is having trouble focusing on a quieter activity, meet them where they are with a high energy dance song. Using the ISO principle, start by matching their energy level, then slowly transition them to the state you need them in for the next activity. Read through these 10 movement activities to find some great new tools to add to your classroom!
#1 Come Out of the Barn
Come out of the Barn is a silly movement song featuring a little mouse. This little mouse sneaks into and out of her barn when no one is looking! Listen to the song here!
How to teach the activity:
- Ask your class how to move like a mouse and show them how to move back and forth from their barn.
- Start the music and help your students follow the cues. Listen to know when it is time to sneak out of the barn and when it is time to sneak back in.
#2 Froggie Hop
Froggie Hop is an action packed movement song for your toddlers! Listen to the song here!
How to teach the song
- Hand out frog finger puppets or have students jump like frogs themselves.
- Encourage students to match the beat with their hopping, listening for cues in the song to jump and flip in the air.
Find the full activity guide and download the song here!
#3 Dyna Band Jam

Dyna Band Jam uses an unexpected tool to help your students move. Dust off those exercise bands and bring them to your class to use in this silly movement song. Listen to the song here!
How to teach the song:
- Share the stretchy bands with your students, showing them how to use them safely.
- Help them follow along with the prompts in the song, letting them learn to stretch the bands in different ways.
Find the full activity guide and download the song here!
#4 Jump Along Josie
Jump Along Josie invites your toddlers to dance along with a variety of characters, all teaching a different movement. Broaden your toddler’s movement vocabulary with this fast paced song. Listen to the song here!
How to teach the song:
- Begin the song with the toddlers jumping along to the music
- Listen for cues telling the children to freeze and continue dancing.
- During the last verse, your students will sit back in their spots, ready to move on to the next activity.
Find the full activity guide and download the song here!
#5 Little Peter Rabbit
Hop along with Little Peter Rabbit while your toddlers explore new movements. Pretend play is a great motivator in this song. They will love pretending to follow along with the little rabbit! Listen to the song here!
How to teach the song:
- If using finger puppets, show your students how to treat the rabbits kindly (treat them gently, keep them on your own body, keep them on your finger).
- Begin the song while singing and modeling the rabbit’s movements to your students.
- Encourage them to follow along with their own movements when they are familiar with the song.
Find the full activity guide and download the song here!
#6 Slow Turtles and Fast Rabbits
Teach your toddlers about opposites with this song featuring familiar characters. Toddlers will be able to connect the fast and slow movements to these familiar animals, making it easier for them to copy with their own movements. Listen to the song here!
How to teach the song:
- Have a discussion with your students about animals that move quickly and animals that move slowly.
- Start the music and show your students how to crawl slowly like the turtle and hop quickly like the rabbit.
Find the full activity guide and download the song here!
#7 Don’t Move
Freeze dances are so much fun for toddlers! not only do they practice movement, but they also practice impulse control and following directions. Listen to the song here!
How to teach the song:
- Have your class stand and spread out around the room, making sure they each have enough personal space.
- Explain when they hear the lyrics of the song, they should be completely frozen until they hear the word “go”.
- Start the song and model how to freeze and dance with the cues.
Find the full activity guide and download the song here!
#8 Balance Boogie
Balance is a tricky skill for toddlers to master. Help them practice with this song and some bean bags or scarves. They can practice balancing them on different parts of their body. Listen to the song here!
How to teach the song:
- Ask your students if they know what it means to balance and have them all try balancing a bean bag or scarf.
- Start the song and have them all throw the beanbag from one hand to the other during the chorus then balance the beanbag along with the prompts in the song.
Find the full activity guide and download the song here!
#9 Elephant Tempo
Movement games are a great way to teach toddlers about tempo. Help them match their movements to the beat while they hear music vocabulary like presto, largo, and moderato. Help them form connections to these words and understand fast and slow movements. Listen to the song here!
How to teach the song:
- Explain how music can move at different speeds, like fast, slow, or medium.
- During the chorus, students can tap along to the beat or dance in their own space.
- Encourage your students to match the tempo with each step as they move around the room.
Find the full activity guide and download the song here!
#10 Tango a la Turtle
Dancing is so much fun for toddlers! Try teaching them a few tango dance steps to dance with the turtle in this song. Listen to the song here!
How to teach the song:
- Encourage students to stand and dance slowly and lyrically, matching the relaxed tempo of the first phase of the song.
- When the music changes to be more up beat, show your students how to step side to side, like they would move if they were dancing with a partner.
- When they music changes again, have your class dance slowly, then crouch with their heads tucked in like a sleeping turtle.
Find the full activity guide and download the song here!
Movement songs are a great tool to use with your toddlers. They seem to have endless energy at times, and it can be difficult to keep them engaged during class or circle time. Try any of these 10 movement songs for preschool to offer a movement break. Your students will come back ready to engage in a quieter activity after having the chance to release some energy. We hope you enjoy these valuable tools and have a successful and fun circle time with your toddlers!