At Circle Time Success we are looking for teachers who are serious about combining FUN and LEARNING into their teaching – it’s what we are all about! Whether the training is in person or online, Jocelyn and her team of highly-trained “circle time specialist” are here to take you to the head of the class with a training that’s just right for you. Check out our trainings below. Then fill out the contact form book a training or ask a question about one of our trainings!

- From Chaos to Calm – 7 Secrets to Circle Time Success Tired of feeling like a peace keeper at circle time? Learn seven secrets to turn your circle times around. Based on research and many years of classroom experience, Jocelyn will demonstrate effective ways to tackle challenges that may be standing in the way of learning and fun.This fast-moving session is packed full of felt stories, songs, movement games and more. Participants will gain valuable skills to use when they return to their early learning sessions on Monday morning.
- Reading Rocks – Building a Foundation for Literacy through Music and Movement Reading Rocks! That’s right, reading is cool and it lays the foundation for a lifetime of learning. Through music and movement even the youngest child can begin building the skills necessary to get ready to read. Learn the six key pre-literacy skills and how music and movement strategies can make early literacy development fun and inspire a lifelong love of reading. Regardless of background in music, Jocelyn will give a variety of ideas on how to incorporate music and movement through rhymes, chants, rhythm, songs, stories and instrument play that get kids wild about literacy.
- Circle Time Success “The Basics” Whether you are a new teacher to early childhood or a veteran looking to spice your circle times up, Circle Time Success “The Basics” is the course for you. By combining brain-based strategies with tried and true activities, participants will leave with a tool kit filled with ways to keep circle times fresh, fun and full of learning. From weather songs to transitions and the “how” to do it will be presented in this highly engaging online course.
- 10 Reasons Why Your Classroom Should be Singing! Singing is an effective way to create a learning environment that is fun and engaging. Yet, few teachers are taking advantage of this age-old practice! This interactive session will explore why singing provides an easy way to teach basic skills, promote positive behavior and foster community. Participants will be reminded of songs from their past as well as lots and lots of new tunes to add to their repertoire. Let’s discover what road blocks may be keeping you from implementing this simple strategy that works!