Welcome to the course!
Thank you so much for joining me! I am so excited to share my passion for creating circle times where both teachers and students are having fun while learning.
Course overview:
Whether you are a new teacher to early childhood or a veteran looking to spice your circle times up, Circle Time Success “The Basics” is the course for you. By combining brain-based strategies with tried and true activities, participants will leave with a tool kit filled with ways to keep circle times fresh, fun and full of learning. From weather songs to transitions and the “how” to do it will be presented in this highly engaging online course.
Learning Objectives:
1.Participants will learn strategies to use at circle time that both engage and maintain the attention of their learners.
2.Participants will understand the benefits of integrating music and movement into the learning environment.
3.Participants will learn a variety of activities they can use at circle time right away!
Course Contents:
Below you will find the following resources available to complete the course. If you are a teacher in Washington State and would like to receive 2 STARS hours, please email the completed.
- Video of training – This is the online version of my in-person training. Turn on the video and watch the entire thing, or break it down into multiple viewings to fit your learning style and schedule. Be sure to write down the minutes corresponding with where you stopped the video so you can quickly return to where you left off.
- Training Notes – Be sure to have the notes handy to fill out as you watch the video. This will keep you engaged and ensure you remember what you learn so you can use your new-found knowledge at a later date!
- SongBook – Download and print the lyrics to all the songs from the training!
- Song Recordings – Download all the recordings for the activities featured in training.
What to do:
- Watch the video and follow along with the Training Notes.
- During the activities portion of the training, try the activities presented in the video by acting as if you were one of the students in the class. Even rewind the clips to watch the activity again. Doing so will set you up for success when it comes time to teaching them in your classroom.
- If you are an educator in Washington State and would like to received 2 STARS hours, complete the assignment at the bottom of the training notes and email the completed document back to Jocelyn at jocelyn@musicallyminded.net. Upon receipt, I will send your certificate of course completion and submit your hours to Washington State Department of Early Learning.
What you need:
- Two shakers (fill some water bottles with beans if you don’t have these! Be sure to tape the lid on.).
- A pair of rhythm sticks (two pencils work too:).
- A bean bag or small stuffed animal.
- Pen or pencil to take notes.
- Willingness to have fun!
Check out our website at www.musicallyminded.net to find out more about how we bring music and movement to the lives of children! Be sure to visit the store if you are interested in purchasing any of the materials from the training (shakers, rhythm sticks etc.).
Contact Me! I am here to help in any way I can. Whether it’s to answer a questions specific to your situation, or clarify something in the training, don’t hesitate to reach out.