Thank you for coming to “Circle Time Success” at the Montana Early Childhood Conference! I hope you left with a tool kit full of ideas you can implement into your circle times immediately.
As promised, words to all the songs from the training (and many more), can be found by clicking here.
If you are interested in purchasing any products from the training, click here to visit our store. I have spent many years searching for products that are quality and last. I hope this saves you time and money.
Do you have any additional questions about how to teach the activities? Please let me know, I’m happy to help!
I’d love to stay connected and support you any way I can in your work as an educator. If you didn’t sign up for our mailing list at the conference, please do so using the form below. I’d also like to invite you to join our Facebook Group at “Circle Time Success” to connect with teachers just like you who are serious about combining FUN AND LEARNING.
Thank you!
Jocelyn Manzanarez